Route to Pico Pienzu
- AddressParresEastern Asturias
- DistanceDistance:5,5 kms
- DifficultyDifficulty:Half
- CodeCode:PR71
- On footOn foot:2 h.
One way
- Start pointStart point:El Fitu viewpoint (Parres)
- Route typeRoute type:hiking
- Tour typeTour type:One way
- Layout of the routeLayout of the route:Download kml, Download gpx
Km 0
Km 0
PR71 The round trip route can also be started in Arriondas/Les Arriondes, in this case it is about 10 kilometres one way.
Undoubtedly one of the most visited summits in Asturias, accessible and with a finish that, fog permitting, is incomparable. It starts as a two-kilometre flat walk through mountain pastures, where we have views of the coast on one side and, on the other, of Arriondas/Les Arriondes, Cangues d' OnĂs/Cangas de OnĂs and the Picos de Europa, among many other things...
We stay only with the south face, looking at Picos, Ponga and Montes de Sebares. We start to climb along a track between limestone, vultures, choughs, some red-legged partridges, asturcones and, from time to time, some fallow deer, perhaps the most abundant mammal in the sierra at the moment.
After a rest between the espineras of the Mergullines spring, we continue climbing until we reach the summit, and there... the sky. Sea and mountain come together, with almost two hundred kilometres of coastline at our feet on clear days and with half of Asturias in our view just by turning around, seeing from the Picos de Europa to the Sierra del Aramo, from Peñes to part of the Cantabrian coast.
Fitu Viewpoint - Pienzu Peak5
Access is via the N-634 towards Arriondas/Les Arriondes, and then turn off onto the AS-260 towards Colunga until you reach the Mirador del Fitu viewpoint, where the route begins.
The route starts at the Mirador del Fitu viewpoint, from where there is a spectacular panoramic view of both the coast and the inland. You will go up a path on the side of the road opposite the car park, which crosses a copse of pine trees.
For the first 400 metres, follow the path along the crest of the hill, where the scrub has taken over. You can still see small clumps of pine and beech trees.
Once we reach 700 metres from the start of the route, on our right we will see the Poares crag and in the lower part of the valley we can see a large forest mass, the Viescona beech forest, which will accompany us on the route until about 500 metres before we reach the Bustaco pass.
We will have walked approximately 3.5 kilometres when we reach the Bustaco pass. From this point onwards the slope starts to become steeper.
Halfway up the slope, kilometre 4.35, there is a path that turns off to the left and offers us the possibility of accessing the Mergullines spring, with fresh drinking water that will allow us to hydrate and refill our canteens.
A little before reaching kilometre 5 of the route, next to the path we find the Cuedro watering place, on the plain of the same name. The remaining stretch is the steepest of the route, and there are several options for climbing it.
Once we have reached kilometre 5, the first option is on our right, and consists of climbing straight up towards the peak. However, this is the most difficult route, so it is preferable for the inexperienced climber to continue along the path and start the ascent a few metres further on.
In a couple of hundred metres, you can practice a zigzag ascent, taking as many bends as the hiker considers necessary. About 500 metres further on you will reach the top of Pienzu peak, the end point of our route.
Once we reach the summit, kilometre 5.65, we find the Pienzu peak cross, and if the weather permits, from here we can enjoy impressive views of the eastern part of Asturias.
Route to Pico Pienzu
GPS: 43.43300349807284, -5.218396100868096
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